About me

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
Hello and welcome to Haven of Peace, my name is Tadas and here is a little about my journey and what I have to offer.
I have received the gift of life.. A past.. such.. that traumatised me so much that I had no absolute other option than to look deeper, and to find my way into healing. Born in Lithuania, last ten years I live abroad, first in Northern Ireland, then the Netherlands, and now in Germany. I gained inspiration and experience in every country and after dealing with my trauma and healing, I have equipped myself with an unique set of skills to help myself and others to heal:
HoP© holistic certified massage
I have encountered many ways in which to heal, and during the years I have discovered that one of the core principals in healing is grounding, because no matter of how powerful a healing practice can be experienced, if one is not grounded, that experience fades away almost instantly. That's where I offer my massages, where I combine the techniques of holistic, deep tissue and lomi lomi massage, that I have earned in my training in Esoterra in the Netherlands, with my natural talent of grounding and relaxing touch. My goal during a massage is to bring you to a place of feeling safe and grounded in your body which is a very pleasant experience. To bring you back into the a lost feeling of simplicity and to give you a break from daily struggle and stress.
Rapé ceremony
For those who might need something extra, something reliable and tested and used by the native American tribes for thousands of years, a beautiful way to ground deeply into the present moment and into your body, is a Rapé ceremony. You can read more about in my services section.
HoP© breathwork
Apart for plant medicine, which I also offer, this is the most powerful and safe way that I know of that promises a really big chance of real release and transformation. In the Netherlands, and now in Germany, I have gained a lot of experience with guiding people in breathwork. And I have done it a lot myself, and after some time I have made a slight adjustment to the way I guide in breathwork, because I have noticed that not everyone can easily get into the real breathwork experience. My goal in leading breathwork, is to guarantee that everyone goes into a deep trance in which body takes over and does the rest of the job. Breathwork can lead into a powerful transformational experience, and if you are also grounded in your body - that makes a perfect soil for your real, pure, perfect self, to emerge from the depths of your being.
Come back to body - come back to life.